Bong Touch of Taste News 2

Gustaf Bong established his small family business in the charming town of Ystad in southern Sweden back in 1890. With a passion for cultivating top-quality vegetables, his brand quickly gained renown for its exceptional taste. Bong Touch of Taste cooking fonds, initially introduced as a sub-brand for the Swedish Foodservice market in 1986, has since become a dominant player with an impressive 80% market share.

The brand's DNA is infused with a spirit of inspiration. Bong Touch of Taste aims to empower both home cooks and culinary professionals to unleash their creativity and elevate their dishes, transforming ordinary meals into extraordinary culinary experiences.

To cater to the foodservice segment, we have developed the Touch of Taste News magazine. Inspiring chefs to embrace fusion food, we created a unique publication that offers two magazines in one. When read from the front, it serves as a source of inspiration, featuring recipes, articles, and interviews with individuals immersed in Latin flavors. Flipping the magazine to the back reveals a section dedicated to Nordic trends and recipes. These two sections converge in the middle, offering a cross-over recipe that bridges the Latin and Nordic culinary worlds.